2019 Two Shrines Pilgrimage

Our flagship Two Shrines Pilgrimage from Edinburgh to St Andrews will take place from Saturday 10th to Monday 12th August. The pilgrimage offers the Church in Scotland a wonderful opportunity to give witness to our faith and to pray for the reconversion of Scotland; for the individual there is the chance to group spiritually, share fellowship with other Catholics, and to step out of our busy lives. Over the three days walking on foot from Edinburgh to St Andrews, from the modern-day shrine of Scotland’s patron saint to his former shrine in the ruined mediaeval cathedral founded to house his relics, Sung Mass is offered daily in the Extraordinary Form and the pilgrims sing hymns and pray traditional devotions. Chaplaincy is provided by the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer from Papa Stronsay, who lead a broad programme incorporating the Rosary, hymns, & spiritual talks. Particular highlights include a Holy Hour with Pontifical Benediction in the Chapel Royal, Falkland Palace, and the concluding Holy Mass at St Andrew’s former shrine in the cathedral ruins.

To get a flavour of what is on offer, please watch this video from our 2017 pilgrimage:


Pilgrims are welcome to walk the full distance, or to join us on any combination of the days. Fees, per day walked, are as follows:

Full pilgrimage: £99 Two days: £69 One day: £39

Reduced rates are available for children, students, and clergy and seminarians. Please email cosn.president@gmail.com to enquire.

A minimum deposit of 30% is required to secure your place and we will contact you upon receipt of your form to arrange payment.

To register for the pilgrimage, please complete this form.

The closing date for registrations is 3 August i.e. one week before the start of the pilgrimage. It is important that we have a good idea of numbers as early as possible, so please do complete the form to indicate your interest as soon as you can.  Please also encourage friends and family to consider participating (even if you are not able to come) so that we can have a good group of pilgrims this year – it makes a real difference!


As we grow the pilgrimage from year to year we are particularly looking to recruit more volunteer helpers – such as cooks, drivers, porters and sacristans – to allow the logistics to run smoothly.  Volunteers receive free food and accommodation while they are undertaking their duties.  If you are able to spare some time to volunteer for these essential roles (for the whole pilgrimage or any part of it), please do let me know.  


You can make an enormous difference to this year’s pilgrimage and the experience of our pilgrims through your generous donation: for example, £150 will enhance the music for the Sacred Liturgy; £99 will sponsor a priest, seminarian or volunteer, and £49 will allow a student or child to take part.

In recognition of your generous support:

  • Mass will be offered in Dunfermline for the particular intentions of the Confraternity’s donors on Sunday 11 August, the second day of the pilgrimage;
  • If you desire, your name and intentions will be noted in each pilgrims’ booklet and carried between St Andrew’s two shrines.

Please visit our Donate page for full instructions on how to make a contribution.


We rely on the constant prayers of our members and friends to continue to promote our apostolate. Please do continue to pray for our efforts as we prepare for the pilgrimage. Thank you!